Tuesday, October 22, 2013

TDAS Episode 6 Review: No One Eggspects the Spanish Opposition

Yeah college and midterms and social life. All the mortal enemies of regularly scheduled blogs. But it's still a good 18 hours or so before the next episode airs so better late than never!

So last episode definitely ended on an interesting note with a big presence of Mike's evil personality "The Malevolent One", Heather successfully duping Alejandro by feigning her being affected by the weird moon, Gwen and Courtney being, you know, themselves, and CAMERON BEING SWITCHED TO THE VILLAINOUS VULTURES! The first team switch made perfect sense. Duncan will deny it all day but he does have some heroic qualities, and I see Courtney mostly as a bossy brat but definitely more as a villain than a hero. But Cameron is not a villain at all. The worst he does is accidentally helping villains by not keeping secrets (Season 2, Episodes 8 and 9), but Owen did that too. I know Cameron was switched because he was supposed to be eliminated, but that elimination was BS as well. Cameron wanted to quit because Sierra was annoying him. Then why couldn't he just ask Zoey and Mike (and why not Duncan? Doubt he'll care) to vote Sierra off? But as illogical and paradox as that all was, it definitely set the stage for an interesting episode with an overused egg pun (ok this is 2013, like 95% of egg puns we've heard before).

The episode opens off with a little interaction between the two former Heroes on the Villains team. Courtney tells Cameron that there's no point fixing his glasses when he's going to be voted off next. Courtney is glad Cameron is on her team so if it comes down to "last hired, first fired", it's not at her expense. Courtney has had their moments in this season but this is why I can't stand her. She's a b**ch just to be a b**ch. Sure Heather and Jo are like that as well, but they go a lot farther and at least they diss people in ways that are more interesting, funny, and less like a 5th grade hall monitor/class president. The boyfriend kisser, I mean the much nicer girl in the C-D-G love triangle (this might be the very last episode I can refer to them that way) helps Cameron fix his glasses and is successful. Heather gets in an insult while Alejandro, a master of the art of insult-compliments, shows Cameron why he's a master with a few words from him. Noticing Cameron and Gwen are getting along, Heather tries to form an alliance with Alejandro, which Alejandro agrees to by kissing her hand. Heather thinks its gross, probably because his lips have touched a lot of other things (such as a wooden effigy, which he frenched in Season 3, Episode 26). And right on queue are confessionals from both sides of this love/hate/strategy relationship saying they don't plan on keeping this alliance in tact. Big shocker. They showed us throughout season 3 that they can't trust each other to save their lives.

Over at the Heroes in the much less impressive cabins, Zoey commends Duncan for accepting an apple from her, noting how Duncan is trusting people more. Duncan is horrified by such an accurate revelation, and wonders if that's why Gwen broke up with him (getting colder, Duncan). His knife breaks, thanks to some tampering from The Malevolent One. In the cabin, Zoey sees Sierra cry about Cameron being switched to the other team, saying she misses Codycam. Zoey corrects Sierra by saying Cameron, but Sierra doesn't take it well and continues to cry, but not after telling Zoey that her ears and face are wrong. Ok Sierra, you're taking this a lot better than I thought. Zoey tries to go after Sierra but Mike shows up, scares her, and then offers her an apple. WHO STICKS A SLICE OF APPLE ON A KNIFE, MIKE?! No wonder you scared the crap out of Zoey. I'm pretty sure people in Canada don't do that shizz. That's just weird. Zoey is wondering about what's gotten into Mike, thinking the real Mike is still there, while Mike is worried about Zoey being around him while he's been all weird. The Malevolent One stops by to hint that his next target may be Zoey.

Chris calls in the contestants for the next challenge, revealing the destination is a place called the "Fun Zone", which Sierra finds amusing. Well seasoned Total Drama veterans Heather and Duncan make some good guesses about what the Fun Zone might actually be, but Chris appeases them by saying his lawyers felt that Chris should cut the teens some slack this time. The boat appears, with Scott in it, who was on Exile Island that night, but everyone's going to Boney Island since that's where the Fun Zone is. As they walk to the challenge, Chris says that he hopes someone finally finds the Invincibility Statue. Scott explains how he had spent so much time looking for it without any results, and assumes there is no statue. Chris replies by saying it's in the Fun Zone, which excites the contestants. Chris seals the gate, trapping them in the Fun Zone. The challenge is to collect the eggs of the mutants from season 4. First team to 6 eggs wins the challenge. And if an egg hatches, they keep the point if they keep what's inside. This challenge is similar to the challenges from Season 3, Episode 22, and Season 3, Episode 6, borrowing the egg collecting and mutant interaction elements. Also, whoever collects the most eggs for the winning team gets a special reward. Scott begins to doze off so Chris yells at him through a megaphone. Duncan laughs as it causes Scott to fall in an attempt to prove he's a villain, but then goes and helps Scott up, prompting Duncan to shout this manly phrase in the confessional: "GOSHIE GOSH POOPY FACE FUZZIE SLIPPER!!!!". Since it's bad for ratings, Chris ditches the ingenuine "good luck" for "I hope some of you get hurt". Sierra asks Cameron if they want to go egg hunting together. Cameron reminds Sierra they're on different teams now. Sierra dgafs and wants some Camody time, but Gwen pulls him away from her. Chris is starting to get freaked out by Sierra. Hahaha...starting.

Courtney wakes Scott up and gets him to go egg searching with her. Zoey gets scared of Mike randomly showing up but Mike apologizes and tries to get close to her, and Zoey eventually warms up to him and goes with him to find eggs. Alejandro skillfully obtains the first egg for the Villains, and Heather comes in just in time to take it from him to score one for herself. Villains lead 1-0 but Alejandro notices that the Heroes could steal eggs and put them in their basket. Because nothing but integrity can stop them. And of course Heather would know enough about "integrity" to know it doesn't mean much in Total Drama (although give your opponents a little credit. They are the Heroes, after all. Stealing eggs isn't very heroic). Mike and Zoey have a little teamwork moment as Zoey encounters Larry once again, who has an egg. They are successful in taking the egg from Larry. Duncan denies Sierra's offer to work together (and let Sierra call him Cody) since he's "evil", and a tentacle throws Duncan against the tree and allows him to obtain an egg. Mike and Zoey's Larry egg hatches into little Larries before it reaches the basket so no point (one of the hatchlings looked uncomfortably a lot like Chris. His love life is so sad). Duncan however puts his egg in the basket and ties it up 1-1. Duncan ends up guarding the basket for the Heroic Hamsters, and it doesn't get more fun when Alejandro says it's like they're two mother hens. Heather tells Courtney and Scott that Alejandro is targeting Scott but that they should vote off Alejando at the next ceremony. Sierra finds the 2nd egg for the Heroic Hamsters but it hatches into a little two headed rat thing. Duncan tells Sierra to guard the eggs while Duncan goes looking for more, to which Sierra happily agrees. And then with an awkward egg pun-heavy transition to the commercial break (so bad that Chris wants to fire whoever wrote it, which is funny because I thought Chris wrote it himself at first), the episode continues.

Courtney wonders how Scott and his cast put up with these mutants, to which Scott replies with a valuable life lesson: "What doesn't horribly maim or devour you only makes you stronger". Scott and Courtney have a "Scourtney" moment before being interrupted by a mutant gopher, and Courtney saves Scott's butt, along with obtaining an egg for the Villains. Heather, Cameron, and Gwen each put an egg in the basket to give the Villains a 4-2 lead. Heather tells Alejandro that she'll watch the basket, allowing him to leave. Heather uses the opportunity to tell Gwen and Cameron that Alejandro wants Cameron out next but she'll help them vote off Alejandro. Cameron doesn't know whether or not to trust Heather, but Heather warns him that it's his funeral, and leaves the "Heroes on the wrong team" (a group I'm sure both Cameron and Gwen identify with) to guard the eggs. After a close encounter with a bat-goat, Heather finds the Invincibility Statue in a cracked egg. Alejandro saw the whole thing and can't believe Heather found it. But he'd find it harder to believe that Heather left it behind, hiding it in between some rocks, which gives Alejandro a chance to steal it from her. Heather brags about finding it to Alejandro and tells him it's not on her, but he doesn't seem to care. Smart on his part to not seem affected by it. But none of Alejandro's poker faces will impress Heather that much. Mike and Zoey discuss what was gone wrong for Mike lately, and try to come up with a solution as they stumble across a nest full of eggs. Meanwhile Duncan scores for the Heroes, reducing the Villains lead to 4-3. Duncan talks big about what it took to get that rather small egg, but Chris replays the footage and Duncan even begins to cry a little when trying to take the egg from a bird. And now it appears Duncan might be invited for a 5th season: Total Drama All Stars Sweethearts vs. Bigger Sweethearts. And Duncan reveals in the confessional that he MIGHT qualify for the Sweethearts team. Hahaha. "Might".

Courtney makes it 5-3 for the villains and Mike and Zoey approach their basket with a lot of eggs. Heather needs to toss her egg in order for them to prevent the heroes from winning. However the egg hatches in midair into a bat-goat that harms Cameron, so it's no good since it never reached the basket. Mike and Zoey dump the eggs into their basket to win the challenge for the Heroes. Tough break for the Villainous Vultures but this should be an interesting elimination. Heather goes back to find her statue but can't find it, and blames Chris for taking it, even though Chris denies being the culprit. Heather is pissed but she feels confident that she secured the votes to send Alejandro home. She promises us, but I don't think she should've done that. She's not good at keeping promises. Meanwhile Mike drops a big boulder on his head in hopes of turning everything back to normal. All it does is seal Mike away in his brain, and now the Malevolent One seems to be in even more control. That can't be good. Will definitely make future episodes interesting, hopefully. On the way to the bonfire ceremony, Gwen pulls Courtney aside and tells her that she broke up with Duncan, wants to keep their friendship strong, and will vote with Courtney no matter what. Also, before the vote, Chris reveals that Zoey won the reward for her performance in today's challenge, which will be revealed at the next challenge.

The Villains vote and for the first time this season, no marshmallows are handed out. But the eliminated player is Alejandro. Heather is obviously the first to celebrate, but a bit premature considering that Alejandro used the Invincibility Statue. The reactions on faces is pretty interesting to watch, especially Scott, who is probably kicking himself for being unable to find it. So Alejandro's votes don't count so he's safe. Good move by him to keep him in the game. Also by standing up, he revealed to everyone left that his legs are working fine. That might've also been a source of shock. Heather is at a loss for words and is raging at Alejandro, but Chris stops the party in time to tell Heather that since she received the only vote that wasn't for Alejandro, she's out. Heather can't believe it and I don't think anyone watching this can. Who would've thought Heather would go out like this at this time. This makes TDAS her worst performance in Total Drama, after 3rd in TDI, 9th in TDA, and 1st(USA)/2nd(Canada) in TDWT. Mike goes to Exile Island but The Malevolent One whistles, which allows Duncan to remember him. Turns out Duncan knows Mike from juve, and back then he ran the place and was known as Mal. And Duncan seems to think Mike is some form of trouble. So maybe some Duncan and Mal drama is in store...

I find it funny that aside from Chris, Alejandro is the only person that came to see Heather leave. Alejandro considers the slate clean after getting revenge for what she did to him in TDWT, but Heather tells Alejandro to get lost by pushing him away before getting flushed. Whenever Heather gets voted off, it's always a big occasion. Like in TDA, her elimination definitely caught us off guard since many predicted she'd get farther. As much as Heather has grown on me in recent seasons (her win in TDWT and her cameo in TDROTI were both boss), I'm not sad she's out. It'll never be something to cry about. I mean she's Heather. She's come a long way from being my 22nd favorite TDI contestant, but she's still herself.

So here are my predictions

-Now that Duncan remembers Mal, Mal will probably catch on and eliminate Duncan the first chance he gets to cover his tracks
-Alejandro will notice Scott and Courtney's bonding as well as Gwen and Courtney's, and try to stir something up to get Courtney out and succeeds.
-Gwen is a big threat and she'll probably be shaken up about Courtney's elimination, making her an easy target. I know it sounds unlikely that all three of the former love triangle get eliminated in a row, but that's just how I picture it now.
-I think Alejandro, Mal, and Scott will form a temporary alliance to blindside the brains of the remaining Heroes.
-Mike fights back and conquers Mal but only after being voted off by the rest of the remaining players for scheming too much
-I think Sierra is gonna screw up some how at this point and find herself eliminated
-Remembering that Alejandro screwed Courtney, Scott helps Zoey take down Alejandro
-Being better friends than before but still not 100% besties, Scott and Zoey put on an epic finale with Zoey coming out on top.

So yeah I'm sticking with my prediction that Zoey will win. So far so good since everything's been going well for her, aside from the uncertainties with Mike. And with that I definitely look forward to the next episode of Total Drama All Stars! Episode 7, the midway point of the season


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