Wednesday, November 20, 2013

TDAS Episode 11 Review

Ok school has had me very busy. I'll try to find time to do my episode 9 and 10 reviews (obviously they'll be from a retrospective standpoint but it'll still be a review nonetheless, just that I will have known a bit what happens after that, but I won't make too many references).

Honestly I was pretty surprised with this final 5: Gwen, Courtney, Mike, Scott, and Zoey. This final 5 sort of reminds me of Total Drama Action which had a lot of players that had big roles in earlier parts of the season (Justin, Leshawna, Heather, Lindsay, for TDA, and Heather, Sierra, Alejandro, Duncan for TDAS) get dropped out just like that. But it certainly makes for an interesting final 5 since almost everyone left has a connection with one another and you still have the Mike vs. Mal thing going on.

This time while doing the recap Chris isn't even standing on the toilet so I don't have to wonder if he's gonna fall in or not (two more episodes guys....please make it happen! It'll be funny!) So anyway Mal is looking for the DVD Alejandro hid that had footage of him doing evil things and turns the hotel room upside down and Zoey wonders what happened which makes him look suspicious. Zoey isn't sure what's going on but thinks Mike is acting weird again. And you gotta love this confessional from Mal..."my head, his head, our head, WHATEVER". I know not everyone found it that entertaining but for some reason, I did. And now back to inside Mike's head. Mike, Chester, and Svetlana keep walking and they stumble upon a theater where we find Vito. He's doing a ventriloquist act which Chester finds funny. Mike tries to recruit Vito to defeat Mal but Vito's puppet says defeating Mal is impossible. It turns out that it was Mal saying that, instead of Vito. But Mal bangs the puppet on Vito's chain and frees him, and they keep going.

Challenge time. Gwen gets dropped off by Chef and Zoey asks her how she did on Exile. Gwen didn't struggle too much, and then Courtney takes the opportunity to buttkiss to Gwen. Courtney and Gwen reaffirm their final 2 alliance. In the confessional though, Courtney reveals that she thinks she has a better chance against Scott in the finale since Scott acts submissive towards her while Gwen would be a fierce opponent so she's planning on keeping Gwen around until the final 3 and voting Zoey off next. However, I did notice Courtney say this is the farthest she's gone on Total Drama, which is a lie since Courtney got 4th place in Total Drama Action. Seriously, the writers need to get their facts straight. I mean there's only been 5 seasons as opposed to Survivor's 27, Big Brother's 15, or American Idol's 12, so not a lot of statistics to keep track of.

So Scott flirts with Courtney so horrendously and hilariously it's almost like he took notes watching Harold hit on Leshawna, which causes Courtney and Gwen to laugh. Gwen enjoys how she and Courtney are finally friends after all the strife between them. Yeah Gwen next time make life a bit easier and kiss a boy without the girlfriend. Unless that boy is Cody because then Sierra would've been on you like, no, not a hawk, more like an enraged Sierra. Yeah, enough said. As Scott flexes his not-visible muscles in front of Mike and Zoey, Mike reveals Courtney's list to everyone, which offends Scott and Gwen. Scott isn't happy to be drawn as a rat and Gwen can't believe Courtney lied to her about their final 2 deal. If Courtney were to get voted off for this, it would be the second time she lost because SHE WRITES TOO FRICKING MUCH (Season 2, Episode 24, "Duncan was annoyed" is an understatement). In the confessional, Gwen claims Courtney is going down, Scott won't forgive Courtney....unless she really wants him too, and Courtney is confident that she's not going to be flushed next simply because the toilet doesn't suit her. Yeah, I don't think it works that way, Courtney. All in all Courtney's been pretty good this season but this episode is giving me flashbacks of when I couldn't stand her during most of seasons 2 and 3.

Chris begins to explain the challenge by mentioning he forgot to feed his interns this week, which Mike (Mal) finds hilarious. And I'm just like 1.Mal is a jerk and 2.Why can't the interns feed themselves? Well they can't be very bright if they wanted to be interns for this show. The challenge is to make them sundaes, which causes Courtney to celebrate since she used to work in the ice cream business. Yeah we know Courtney. You have as much work experience at 16 (or whatever age she is now) that most people have when they're 30. Overachiever. The ingredients are scattered across dangerous parts of Camp Wawanakwa. The ice is found on a cliff, the cherries in the swamp, the peanuts in the cafeteria, and chocolate in a pond being guarded by a fire flower (I wonder if that flower is a Super Mario reference, even though it looks nothing like the fire flower or the fire breathing piranha plant). Courtney tries to apologize to Gwen for the chart, but then Gwen burns Courtney like one of Charizard's Flamethrowers burned Ash back in the day. "Save your incredibly bad breath, Chartney" By Gwen and Total Drama's standards, I give her props for that. Courtney is upset and surprised Gwen refuses to forgive her and says it's no wonder she has a hard time keeping friends. Ok Courtney, do you REALLY wanna go there? Gwen's friends: Owen, Cody, Leshawna, Bridgette, DJ, Geoff, Cameron..... you get the picture. Courtney's friends: Scott...maybe Zoey and Bridgette.....maybe Sierra...notice how many maybes I've used for Gwen and how many I've used for Courtney, game over, Gwen wins.

Zoey asks Mike why he exposed Courtney, and Mal tells Courtney that he needed to do that to prevent Scott, Gwen, and Courtney from outnumbering them and that he did it to help Zoey win. Zoey is still confused (I know, every time I say that I feel like Captain Obvious) but then she recalls what Alejandro said about "a greater evil lurking" and "the truth is in the art" but doesn't understand what that means. The contestants head up the snow covered cliff. Scott is up first but slides past it and is hanging on to an icicle on the edge of the cliff. Gwen gets the ice cream in her bowl first, and Zoey and Courtney start to slip down as they and Mike make their way up. Mal decides to go on without Zoey since he needs to stay in the Spa Hotel to find the DVD Alejandro hid. Courtney tries to form an alliance with Zoey, but this time Zoey proves to be not naive enough to fall for it and declines. Courtney then taunts Scott. Mike is in 2nd place while Courtney and Zoey follow him. Scott's clumsiness angers a bear, and screams really loud, but in the confessional Scott claims he only screamed to confuse it. Really Scott? You've told better lies before, dude.

Gwen is still in the lead as she reaches the cherries, but right as she was about to be attacked by Snappy the alligator, Mal jumps on it to save her, but then Mal distracts Gwen to get his cherry and take the lead. Gwen thinks Mike is either really brave, really bananas, or really both. From Gwen's standpoint that's a fair observation. Zoey has trouble in the swamp but Courtney breezes by since she's riding a log, and she's getting very cocky. "I have three types of ice cream and a cherry but all I can taste is victory!". I don't think you'd know what victory tastes like. Zoey narrowly escapes being attacked by snappy by flinging mud at it (yeah, not even Zoey is above that) and then Scott comes in and attracts the bear which leads to an epic fight between the bear and snappy. Zoey gets her cherry but Scott is too exhausted from his bear encounter to move. At the cafeteria, the contestant have to get past the rebuilt Total Drama Machine. Mal gets his peanuts first and manipulates the robot to attack Gwen, but Gwen manages to get past it. She runs into Courtney and Gwen finally accepts her apology and tells Courtney that she'll vote off Scott next instead of her, but Courtney has to vote for herself to regain her trust. Courtney reluctantly agrees. Interesting Gwen brought that up considering she's been forced to vote herself off before (Season 2, Episode 7). Both Courtney and Zoey struggle against the robot. By the time Scott gets there, it seems Courtney and Zoey were done there, and once it finally looks like Scott gets a break, he gets pounded by that robot. Yeah this episode makes it clear to see that Scott is this season's Trent/Harold/Tyler/Brick haha.

Gwen and Mal enter the chocolate fire zone where Gwen manages to retake the lead. Mal helps Zoey get her chocolate but then he uses a rock to cause the fire plant to blow up which destroys the chocolate and puts Scott and Courtney out of the running for immunity. Scott thinks Mike did that on purpose and admits that it was clever. I guess whatever it takes to remind us he's a villain. Scott decides to use dirt and Courtney has to settle with burnt chocolate and bird vomit. So I guess they're not through yet. Way to be creative? Meh. Anyway it seems too close to call but Courtney is the first one to arrive. Ok I know Courtney is athletic, but since when did she turn into Cristiano Ronaldo and manage to outpace all of them? Chris changes it up by saying first contestant to eat their own sundae wins immunity. Before I continue, I just want to let the interns know how bad I feel for them. We need to donate to the needy, which would be them. But they're also just cartoons so it's kinda hard.

Courtney refuses to eat her sundae, Gwen gets a brain freeze while Scott laughs and Gwen comments on how Scott lacks a brain to be frozen. Zoey finishes hers first and wins immunity. But Chris still forces everyone to eat their own sundae. Courtney protests and claims that Mike ruined the chocolate on purpose. She should've just skipped the chocolate sauce. Tough luck Courtney. Funny how you expect things to go your way but they never do. At the elimination ceremony, Courtney, who still hasn't eaten her sundae, hopes Gwen won't vote for her, but Courtney still has to live up to her end of the deal of voting herself off. Scott is still offended by Courtney's chart, saying that he's always been told he looks as handsome as a mule. If that's the case, you should be thanking Courtney for the flattering drawing, dude. And the votes are tallied and Courtney is voted off with 3 votes to 2. I guess voting herself off did the trick. Whether or not Gwen meant it is unknown but I doubt anyone will really miss her. I'm guessing Mal voted Courtney off since Gwen mentioned convincing Zoey but not Mike. Anyway, Courtney takes the flush of shame and Scott admits she wasn't all bad. So Scourtney fans, there's still hope. Possibly not much more hope as there is for Scawn fans, but still. Hope is hope. Chris also announces that winners can no longer pick someone to go with them to the Spa Hotel (although at the final 4 in TDWT, they still got to pick). Zoey apologizes to Mike, but Mal doesn't take it so well behind her back, giving us a nasty face that looks like he could really use a trip to the bathroom. The episode ends with Zoey being wierded out by all the new Chris portraits and the real Chris popping out of one. Haha it seemed like Zoey was afraid she was gonna get raped or something. That was just too funny.

So that's it. Even though at times I did like Courtney this season, I'm glad she wasn't likeable in the episode she was voted off in. Nonetheless, she's proven once again she's a solid competitor with a third straight final 7 appearance. The only other contestant to have made it that far three times was Duncan. So in the final 4 Gwen is the last original contestant standing against Zoey, Scott, and Mal/Mike. The obvious vote off would be to get rid of Scott but considering how many irregular eliminations we've had this season and the point of the game we're at, it really is anyone's game. Even Scott. I mean if Lightning was able to win Total Drama Revenge of the Island, why can't Scott end up winning this season? I still don't want him to. My pick is still Zoey but I have to give Gwen props for being pretty solid most of the season. And Mal/Mike hasn't been bad either.

Unless Scott gets farther than Zoey, Zoey will boast the best record out of the TDROTI players with 3rd place in TDROTI and anywhere from 1st to 4th in TDAS. This group of 4 doesn't seem as explicitly tension heavy as the quartets of TDWT or TDROTI, but more like the original final 4 from TDI with 4 solid competitors that can make for a good end of the season depending on how things pan out in these last few episodes.

Thank you for reading!

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