Friday, November 1, 2013

TDAS Episode 8 Review: You Regatta Be Kidding Me

Well at least this week I started the review on Thursday. Anywho we are down to 8 players. After that last shock elimination saw Sierra get eliminated and likely cued the biggest off-screen celebration from Cameron, we are even in terms of ORIGINAL Heroes and Villains (Cameron, Courtney, Mike, and Zoey of the original Heroic Hamsters, and Alejandro, Duncan, Gwen, and Scott of the original Villainous Vultures). At the end of last episode Chris said the teams were NOT merging....but I don't know about that....

The episode begins with the Villains at the Spa Hotel, with Gwen saying something no one would've thought she'd ever say. "I just dreamed I was riding a fluffy unicorn across clouds made of marshmallows". Ok Duncan can use being switched to the Heroes team as an excuse as to why he's gone soft, but I wonder what excuse Gwen has up her sleeve. Sure maybe she's just glad she was in the Spa Hotel or friends with Courtney again, but she was never that excited about the Hotel before, and Gwen was never like that when she was friends with other players like Owen, Geoff, Bridgette, or Leshawna, to name a few. Courtney and Gwen enjoy in another friendship moment and tell each other that they hope they make the finale together and that if one of them don't win the million, they hope the other does. Courtney even puts Gwen ahead of Scott in her priorities, which is really big of Courtney. Meanwhile Scott tries to eavesdrop on their conversation but the walls are too thick or something. You really should stick to eavesdropping on confessionals (Season 4, Episode 5). Cameron is in a much better mood than Scott since Sierra is out, but Scott warns him that that doesn't mean he's safe. Cameron is a bit unnerved by Scott saying that, even though Cameron was successful in voting off Scott before (Season 4, Episode 11). Well that's a different set of circumstances but I'm pretty sure if people had to choose between voting off Scott and Cameron, they'd rather go for Scott (unless Courtney is a bit too overprotective of him and tries to sway the votes towards Cameron), but it doesn't seem like Courtney is completely head-over-heels over Scott, especially since she prefers to play the game with Gwen. Scott is not liking the situation he's in, thinking he and Alejandro are the only true villains left on his team (not that Scott has been quite as villainous as in Episode 4, but he's still right). Duncan is getting sick of his hero status and goes on a "rampage" (for lack of a better word) to prove he's a villain. If only Duncan knew the meaning of the word "antihero". Maybe he'd get some sleep at night. Duncan tries to spray paint some skull and crossbones, using the 1980's method of proving he's a bad boy, but Zoey thinks it looks like a bunny. It took me a few times of watching this episode to see some resemblance to a bunny but Zoey is not completely stupid for thinking it looks like one haha. Next on Duncan's agenda is to drive Chef's jeep into the ocean, but he needs to fix it first. Chris informs the contestants to meet outside the Spa Hotel, which doesn't give enough time for Duncan to pull that prank off. Chef thanks Duncan for his help and calls him a good kid, which pushes Duncan that much further into snapping....a chopstick in half. Lol cuz he's not a bad boy right now so he wouldn't snap anything harder :P.

Cameron is impressed with Alejandro being able to survive Boney Island without a scratch (dude if you can get through a night of Boney Island without any trouble, I don't think it would be that hard for Alejandro to do the same. You're not superman, Cameron). Alejandro pretty much flirted with all the animals (how'd he know if they were dudes or chicks? lol) and turned them against each other. Actually pretty smart I guess. Chris is tired of hearing Al talk and announces that the teams are being merged! I guess Chris can be pretty quick to change his mind or something. Or he was trying to catch them off guard. But anyway, everyone's familiar with the merge procedures because they've all made the merge before (Aside from Courtney, 3rd, and Duncan, 4th, this is everyone's 2nd time making it to the merge. However, Gwen is the only one from that group that has been in more than 2 seasons. Duncan has now been at the merge more times than anyone else with 4. Courtney and Owen are next best with 3 each.). In fact, everyone in the season had made the merge before except Sam. Enough with the merged related trivia. Cameron and Zoey rekindle their "Friendship Finale" alliance (Season 3, Episode 12) but include Mike in it, although Cameron is a bit reluctant since, as far as he knows, Mike has been acting weird lately. And after talking about it for like the last 3 or 4 episodes and probably making a lot of viewers find out what the firetruck tarot cards are (along with me realizing there's actually two "t's" in tarot), Zoey finally gets Yugioh, I mean, tarot cards. (imagine if Zoey ordered tarot cards but she got Yugioh cards instead. Wait a the Dark Magician one of Mike's alternate personalities, or is Mike really the Dark Magician? And would that make me the Dark Magician Girl?) Turns out she made those cards up. Yeah, thanks for wasting our time Zoey. Leave the psychic/aura stuff to Dawn. Mal then states how easy it is to imitate Mike.

Then we take a trip into Mike's brain where he's still chained to a boulder, he notices a weird tower, and uses a random floating question mark (reminds me of the Pokemon Unown) to cut the chain and set him free. Well he's no longer chained to the boulder but he's still stuck in his mind. One step at a time I guess. And for the first time in 6 episodes, we see one of Mike's OTHER personalities: Chester! Mike sets him free from his post as a skateboard seller (who's he gonna sell them to? Svetlana? Vito? Manitoba? Sometimes I just don't get Mal....) And it looks like Zoey isn't the only one using words hardly anyone in middle class North America says: regatta! Thanks a lot for the vocabulary lesson, Total Drama writers! This time it's Chris, who says the challenge is a regatta (boat race) around the island, which conpuzzles Duncan a bit. The first person to circumnavigate the island wins immunity and stays at the hotel. And the contestants can expect some obstacles from Chef Hatchet. Always a fun time with that guy.

The challenge begins and Duncan tries to form an alliance with new besties and his exes Courtney and Gwen. They wonder why Duncan wants to align with them, and says that he needs allies and he'll protect them against players like Mike, although neither Courtney or Gwen see Mike as a threat (well Mike is pretty likeable and athletic so those are some threatening characteristics, that is, when he's Mike). Duncan explains that he knew Mike from juvey which only makes Gwen and Courtney laugh. Gwen considers Duncan "1million" on the lame scale for thinking Mike is a threat. Wow Gwen. It's weird seeing this side of her. Super nice to Courtney but super catty behind Duncan's back. I respect her being cool with Courtney but she's a bit too mean with Duncan. But I guess I've heard worse from other exgirlfriends talking behind their exboyfriend behind their backs, so Gwen's still cool. Alejandro takes the lead and gets the first boat. Courtney and Gwen share a boat even though only one person can win immunity, which Chris finds interesting. Mal sabotages all the other boats besides his and the raft, and ditches Cameron and Zoey. Cameron, Zoey, Scott, and Duncan end up working together on the raft.

Alejandro's engine stalls, and Alejandro thinks flirting with it will fix the problem. So sad, dude. I mean seriously, what would Heather say about that? Just ridiculous. And Mike takes the lead and heads to "Coconut Alley", which is Chef raining coconuts down on the contestants. Courtney and Gwen find themselves there next. Chef's barrage of coconuts nearly causes Courtney to fall off the boat but Gwen saves her in the nick of time. Way to go Gwen, you saved Courtney....'s hair? That's what Courtney was most concerned about, getting her hair wet? Wow, that's just, wow....and then Gwen and Courtney complement each other on their hair I'm sure some Season 1 diehard fanboys worship, and then I'd have to agree on Chris when he says "BORING!". I mean that's great you guys are friends and all, but whether in real life or TV, it gets pretty old pretty fast when all girls talk about is their hair. Alejandro gets his motor running again after Chef blows up part of Courtney and Gwen's boat's engine. Cameron comes up with an idea for them to go faster, which requires Scott to be used as sharkbait (Hoo Ha Ha! Finding Nemo <3), so Cameron pushes Scott into the water and fang comes out, and Scott is freaking out as Cameron makes one of the most obvious statements of the season: Fang has a bit of an obsession with Scott. I'm pretty sure everyone knew that already, especially after last episode's challenge. In the confessional, Duncan notes that even Cameron is more of a "bad boy" than him. That's true. Cameron's pushing people near sharks that hate them, while Duncan's painting pictures of bunnies and fixing jeeps. So naturally Duncan tries to get in on this and holds up the pole that Scott is hanging from to attract Fang. Zoey thinks this idea is crazy (again, what happened to all the Scott and Zoey mutual hate from last season? I guess Zoey used up all her hate energy back then. Commando Zoey would be great right now). Duncan calls Cameron's plan great and villainous, which concerns Cameron since he's not trying to be a villain. (Trust me Cameron, no one thinks you're a villain). So Mike is in the lead, Alejandro 2nd, the raft team in 3rd, and Courtney and Gwen in last. Courtney behaves completely in character and is throwing a fit while Gwen tries to paddle the boat.

The rafters pass by what I think is Playa De Losers but it seems to just be where Chris lives this season. You can see the lightbulb go off in Duncan's head and he holds a stick of dynamite that he intercepted and deactivated from Chef. Duncan gets off the raft in what seems to be another attempt to regain his reputation, leaving Zoey, Cameron, and Scott to deal with the piranhas ahead. They avoid the piranhas and start catching up to Mike/Mal. In order to assure it's Mike and not Mal, Zoey tries to put herself in danger. I know Cameron is a smart kid who's trying to make helpful suggestions, but I hope I'm not the only one noticing how eager he is to put other players' lives on the line. Well, like Sandra Diaz-Twine always said, "As long as it ain't me". Zoey's screams trigger Mike to temporarily regain control of himself. Mal is sent back to the brain alongside Chester. It's funny how Chester covers up his eyes as if "I can't see him so he can't see me", you know, that kind of thing. Mike doesn't know he's in a challenge so Alejandro takes the lead and tries to help Zoey, but Mal quickly regains control again. Nice to see Mal vulnerable this early. It will make things more interesting. With Mal back in control, he initially ignores Zoey's cries for help, but once Cameron tries to get his attention, Mal decides to save Zoey so that he doesn't blow his cover. And Zoey's completely sold that Mike is in control, while Mal laughs behind her back, calling her gullible. (I like Zoey, but gullible is definitely a good word to describe her).

Courtney is still complaining about the boat not working, leaving Gwen to do all the rowing, but then the boat starts working again. The boat race is near its end and Alejandro's engine stalls, leaving him close to the finish line but not close enough. Cameron is struggling to hold Scott up and Zoey tries to get Mike to help Cameron, but Mal ignores her. Fang finally gets a bite at Scott but Scott survives and learns a valuable lesson: "Never make enemies with a critter with more teeth than your entire family combined". Yeah, life is a lot easier without those kinds of enemies. You should've known better, Scott. Scott pushes Cameron into the water but Fang ignores him. "I guess he wanted a meal, not a snack". Good point. Courtney and Gwen mock Alejandro since his engine died while Alejandro struggles to get anything going. Alejandro finally comes up with an idea he should've came up with a while ago. He walks up and puts his head past the finish line just in time to win immunity. Gwen and Courtney finish in 2nd, Mike and Zoey 3rd, Cameron and Scott last. And Chris's reaction to that one line by Scott...a little too much, but funny, nonetheless. After doing a head count, Chris was missing one Mohawk. And then came the explosion which Duncan caused. He blew up Chris's cottage (Courtney: THAT WAS A MANSION!). Whatever Courtney, don't care. A brokenhearted Chris tells Alejandro he wins immunity and can bring one person with him to the spa hotel. Alejandro politely declines to pick since he doesn't want to pick favorites. Very smooth Alejandro. You do realize if you don't have immunity, you're a target? So you need all the help you can get. Speaking of help, Mike and Alejandro end up forming an alliance.

Chris announces that no one will be sent to Boney Island as a prize for making it to the merge. Chris then mourns the loss of FIVE statues he had in that "cottage". Courtney urges Chris to get on with the voting, but first Chris gives Duncan a surprise visit from the police. Duncan gets arrested for the stunt he pulled. So congratulations Duncan, you're a bad boy, and you're arrested....again. But Duncan is looking forward to juvey, until Chris announces that since he destroyed a major piece of private property, he's going to the real deal jail. And Duncan is not nearly as excited for that. Be careful what you wish for Duncan. Well it's too late now. "Ah, snuggle muffins!". The perfect way for Duncan to bid farewell after his 4th season of Total Drama. So anyway, the votes are tallied. After the events of the challenge, Scott and Cameron vote each other off. But in a unanimous decision, Cameron is voted off. But since Cameron and Zoey confirmed they didn't vote Cameron off, there had to be a mistake. And Mal tries to act as surprised as possible. This would've been the perfect double elimination opportunity, but for whatever reason they decide to keep Cameron once again. Cameron's like a cat with nine lives this season. Every time he's supposed to go, he stays in. And Cameron is even more nervous than he was before after this. After Chris lets everyone know that he thinks Cameron is going next, he signs off.

Well that was an interesting merged episode. A lot of stuff to take in. Duncan literally went out with a bang. Mal is the real deal, he's definitely working some dark magic this season, but for how much longer.


-I honestly don't know. In TDWT, Sierra was saved one episode but then eliminated the very next, so I guess I'm counting on the same thing to happen to Cameron. Besides, what's stopping Mal from doing what he did again?
-This time Alejandro fails to win immunity and he has enough enemies at this point to vote him off. Besides, the other villains can take it from her.
-The Gwen and Courtney friendship makes them both big threats but since Scott likes Courtney, he sways the votes towards Gwen.
-I'd like to see the other 3 in the finale more than Courtney and with Gwen gone, Courtney could easily be an outsider and Scott isn't above backstabbing, even his potential girlfriend.
-Maybe Zoey wins immunity and eliminates Scott, thinking she trusts Mal more
-A Mike/Mal vs. Zoey finale would be pretty epic! And of course I'd like to see Zoey come out on top.

So with 7 players left in the game and a very special episode coming up next, I'm definitely enjoying this season. Next episode has a Zeke cameo and celebrates the 100th Total Drama episode, which is a great accomplishment! I'm really happy as a fan of Total Drama for 5 years. I'm pretty stoked and I've enjoyed this season for what it's been.


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